Climbing rules and regulations are relevant to both climbers and tour operators since they set the outline for the adventure activity. The application for climbing in Pakistan can only be made through a government approved tour operator (examples: Apricot Tours, Jangoo Adventures, etc.). However for the purpose of information, you can find the complete rules and regulations below.
Table of Contents [hide]
- Procedure for Applying for Permission 2024-25
- Cancellation
- Briefing / De-Briefing
- Liaison Officer (L.O.)
- Kit and Equipment
- Import / Export of Equipment / Kit
- Wages of Porters and Transport Charges
- Insurance
- Medical Treatment
- Royalty
- Photography
- Joint Expedition Parties
- Accidents
- Foreign Exchange
- Observance of Security and Conditions for Publication of Material
- Environmental Care Code
- Miscellaneous
- Terms & Conditions for Winter Mountaineering expeditions visiting Pakistan
Procedure for Applying for Permission 2024-25
- A foreign mountaineering expedition desirous of climbing of peak in Pakistan shall apply on the application form (Annexure A) with one extra copy in the nearest Embassy / Consulate of Pakistan. A copy with a photocopy of royalty receipt should be sent directly to the Gilgit Baltistan Council Secretariat, Provident Fund Building Zero Point G-7/1, Islamabad.
- Application forms for allotment of peaks should be accepted by a Pakistani Embassy / Consulate
- Such an application would then be sent by the said Embassy/Consulate immediately to the Tourism Division where they would be processed on a “First-come-First served basis”.
- Incomplete application forms or such forms as are received either before or after the stipulated dates may not be entertained.
- If a party is not sure of the composition of the team, it shall apply to state the fact and without attaching particulars of members with the application form. In such cases, peaks will be provisionally booked. A formal permission letter shall issue only after particulars at Annexure-B are received in Gilgit Baltistan Council Secretariat, Provident Fund Building Zero Point G-7/1, Islamabad. at least three months in advance of the arrival of the party in Pakistan. If particulars of the new members are not received within the stipulated period and the party arrives in Pakistan, it may delay their departure to the mountains till the clearance of new members is obtained in about a week. Under this procedure a party shall not leave for Pakistan unless it is in receipt of the formal permission letter. No mountaineer would be a member of more than one expedition during a season.
- A party shall indicate in order of perference, at least 3-4 peaks so that available peaks could be allotted. A party shall be given permission for more than one 8000 metre peaks with the special permission by the Joint Secretary Gilgit Baltistan Council Secretariat, Provident Fund Building Zero Point G-7/1, Islamabad.
- Gilgit Baltistan Council Secretariat.shall endeavor to send the mountaineering permit to a party within 60 days of receipt of application form in the Tourism Division. Depending on the availability of the peak for the choice period, Tourism Division will send provisional bookings of the peak upon receipt of the completed application.
- The government reserves the right to allot a particular peak through any route to more than one party in the same season.
- The government has the right to cancel the allotment of a peak at any time without assigning any reason. The amount of royalty deposited shall be refunded in such cases.
- In case, however, a party postpones/cancels its mountaineering plan for its own reasons, it shall so inform the Tourism Division by the quickest possible means. In such a case royalty deposited shall neither be refunded nor it could be carried forward for future mountaineering in Pakistan. Change in the booking period during the same mountaineering season is possible subject to the availability of the peaks/route for the revised date.
Briefing / De-Briefing
- The expedition upon arrival in Rawalpindi / Islamabad should see the officer concerned in Tourism Division for arranging a meeting with the Liaison Officer and assistance on matters like insurance, purchase of rations, and allied matters. After completing these formalities leader of the expedition shall ask for a date of formal briefing. For this purpose, he shall give a minimum notice of 24 hours excluding Friday and Holidays. The preparatory work would entail a stay of about four-five days in Islamabad / Rawalpindi.
- On return from the mountains, the leader of the party shall inform the concerned officer in the Tourism Division and obtain a date for debriefing by giving him a minimum notice of 24 hours excluding Friday and holidays.
Note: No party will leave for the mountains without formal briefing or leave the country without formal debriefing.
Liaison Officer (L.O.)
- A party shall include in the expedition, as its member at least on L.O. to be detailed by the Government of Pakistan.
- A party shall pay for his food, accommodation, and transport for mountains and back from the reporting date of the expedition in Islamabad till the date the party is debriefed.
- During the stay of a party at Rawalpindi/Islamabad, the L.O. will be given daily allowance at the rate of US$ 30/- per day. The L.O. in a city of Northern Areas (such as Skardu, Gilgit, etc.) is to be paid US$ 15/- per day and accommodation.
- A L.O. shall carry his personal equipment like any other member of the party.
- A L.O. shall be consulted on routes and local customs and if desired on matters such as transport, accommodation, and rations. If however, a leader disagrees with L.O. he shall give him in writing the reasons for such disagreement.
- A L.O. shall extend maximum assistance to a party in making purchases etc. He shall, however, not handle any cash nor undertake any financial transactions on behalf of a leader/party.
Kit and Equipment
1: For Liaison Officer
- A L.O. shall accompany a party to a maximum height with the consent of the leader or at least stay at the base camp till the party descends and return with the party for debriefing at Islamabad. For this purpose, a party shall provide him, free of cost necessary kit and equipment as detailed at Annexure – C in order to enable him to perform his duties without any risk to his person.
- Kit/equipment for L.O. should be brought to his measurements sent to a party in advance. If a party does not receive measurements before its departure for Pakistan it may bring standard size kit and equipment. Shirts and Jean trousers may be purchased in Pakistan to avoid size problems.
2: For Low Altitude Porters
- A low altitude porter shall accompany a party up to the base camp (Maximum height 5,500 meters). For this purpose, a party shall provide him with standard kit/equipment as detailed at Annexure – D free of cost.
- In case a low altitude porter is desired by the party to go above 5,500 meters (except passes en route) he shall be entitled to kit/equipment and ration as prescribed for high altitude porters at Annexure – E.
- The cook will be provided the kit/equipment (except climbing tools) of a high altitude porter.
3: For High Altitude Porters
- A party shall arrange to provide, free of cost, standard kit and equipment to a high altitude porter as detailed at Annexure – E in order to enable him to perform his duties.
- A party shall be equipped with reasonable communication means such as Walkie talkie, Radio / Transistor set, and a high powered transmitter for communication from mountains with district headquarters (optional frequencies allotted are 5201 KHZ, 6996-KHZ, 10282-KHZ, 15951-KHZ and 16411-KHZ).
4: General
- Kit/equipment for porters shall be handed over to them in the presence of L.O. prior to the start of caravan.
- No party shall be allowed to proceed to its destination if the kit/equipment provided by it to L.O. / Porters is found incomplete or sub-standard in quality. Before leaving Rawalpindi / Islamabad a L.O. shall satisfy himself that the kit/equipment is complete and of the required standard. Kit and equipment given to L.O. is returnable but, the items of personal use and clothing such as jackets, trousers, shirts, gloves, socks, caps, approach march boots, pull overs, ruck sack and sleeping bag are to be retained by the Liaison Officer.
- Use of communication system. It will be advisible to carry proper communication system by a party. The L.O. will also be provided appropriate communicational equipment. The obtaining clearance of communication system to be used by the party is indispensible which should be intimated will in time on prescribed form (Annexure-K).
Import / Export of Equipment / Kit
- Equipment, non-consumable and consumable stores imported by a party into Pakistan shall be subject to the following conditions :
- Equipment and non-consumable stores will be allowed temporary entry free of customs duty and sales tax leviable there on subject to an undertaking (Annexure-F) being furnished by a leader of the expedition to the effect that the equipment etc. will be re-exported out of Pakistan on completion of the mission and that no part of it will be sold or otherwise disposed of in Pakistan, failing which duty and sales tax leviable thereon will be paid.
- Consumable stores and medicines will be allowed exemption from customs duty and sales tax subject to the said undertaking (Annexure – F) being furnished by the leader of the expedition to the effect that they will be used for the purpose for which they will be used for the purpose for which they have been imported and will not be sold or otherwise disposed off in Pakistan failing which customs duty and sales tax leviable thereon will be paid. The un-consumed portion will be re-exported out of Pakistan on completion of the mission.
- Above conditions shall not apply when donation of consumable stores and medicines etc. is made in Pakistan with the prior permission of the Government and for which official receipt will be issued.
- A party shall send to Tourism Division an application in triplicate as per said Annexure – F alongwith three copies of the list of equipment. Cost price of all the items shall also be shown on the said list. Tourism Division shall return one copy to the party after affixing signature / seal. Another copy shall be sent to the customs authority at the point of entry who shall clear the equipment when it arrives with a party.
- If some equipment is to be sent to Pakistan in advance. Tourism Division shall be so informed. In that case one copy of the application at the said Annexure-F alongwith its enclosures, shall be handed over to a clearing and forwarding agent to be nominated for his purpose by a party. Another copy shall be sent to the customs authority at the point of entry.
- After clearance of the equipment, the local agency shall have to arrange for its transport, storage and protection till it is handed over to the party on arrival. He shall also pay local octroi duty, if any. He shall be advised to contact a representative of Tourism Division in case of difficulty.
Wages of Porters and Transport Charges
- A rough idea on wages and charges for animal and mechanical transport will be communicated to the party alongwith the formal permission letter.
- Payment of wages to porters shall be made when they are discharged. However, if a porter requires an advance payment, this may be given in the presence of L.O. / Guide and receipt obtained.
- In addition to daily wages, a party shall provide to a low altitude porter free rations as per Annexure-G or money in lieu of rations, as fixed by the Government from the day he is engaged till the day he is discharged.
- Similarly, free rations shall be provided to high altitude porter as per Annexure-H from the day he goes above 5,500 metres.
- Except in the case of sickness/injury no wages shall be paid to a porter for a day on which he does not work. If however, a party wants to have a rest day then porter(s) shall be paid full wages etc.
- For forced halts on bad weather days a party shall pay to porter full daily wages and rations. Decision of a leader about movement on such days shall be final. If , however, L.O. feels that the weather is too bad to march, he may ask the leader to halt the party. In case of disagreement with the advice of L.O. the leader should give in writing the reasons for such disagreement.
- A porter marching with a party for more than seven days shall be allowed every seventh day as holiday with full daily wages etc.
- A Liaison Officer shall be covered by an insurance of Rs. 300,000/- (Rupees three thousand) only. In case of partial disablement the amount of compensation shall be proportionate to the percentage of disablement as declared by a competent authority.
- A high altitude porter shall be insured for a sum of Rs. 200,000 (Rupees two hundred thousand only). In case of partial disablement the amount of compensation shall be proportionate to the percentage of disablement as declared by a Civil Surgeon.
- A low altitude porter shall be insured for a sum of Rs. 100,000/- (Rupees one hundred thousands only). In case a partial disablement, the amount, of compensation shall be proportionate to the percentage of disablement as declared by a civil Surgeon.
- Insurance cover shall be provided through a Pakistani company and Government shall help a party in getting this facility in Pakistan if so requested.
Medical Treatment
- If in the opinion of a doctor/first aid specialist evacuation of a sick/injured porter from the mountain to a hospital in a district headquarters like Gilgit, Skardu or Chitral in necessary then the said party shall pay for his evacuation by a helicopter or other means. In case a L.O. feels that the porter is very sick and is not being evacuated, he shall ask the leader to arrange for his evacuation. If the leader disagrees with the advice of L.O. he shall give him in writing the reasons for such disagreement. The said statement would also need to be countersigned by the expedition‟s doctor/first-aid specialist.
- A party is not responsible to pay for the evacuation and medical treatment of a sick/injured L.O. as the same shall be borne by his detailing/recommending authority.
- During sickness/injury in the mountains or hospitalization, a party shall pay half of the daily wages to a porter till the date it leaves the district headquarters for Rawalpindi/Islamabad.
- Medical facilities including surgical operations etc. are generally provided free of cost in Pakistani hospitals. Should some sickness/injuries to porters entail some expenditure, a party shall pay for the same. In case of death of a porter/cook or other hired person, the expedition would be responsible for the transport of the dead body from the place of the casualty to the place of hiring.
- Following are royalty rates for scaling peaks of various height in Pakistan :-
S. No | Height of Mountain | Mountain Royalty Fee for the Year (Amount in US $) |
Full team of Seven members | Each Additional member | ||
1. | K2 (8611 meters) | 7200 | 1200 |
2. | 8,001 to 8,500 meters | 5400 | 900 |
3. | 7,501 to 8,000 meters | 2400 | 300 |
4. | 7,001 to 7,500 meters | 1500 | 180 |
5. | 6,501 to 7.000 meters | 900 | 120 |
(These rates are subject to periodic revision). Additional fee will be charged if the number of party is for more than one peak the additional number is to pay for the other peak also. NOTE: Expeditions are required to deposit full amount of royalty with the nearest Embassy/Consulate / Tourism Division Government of Pakistan at the time of making an application for booking of a peak. The Head of account for depositing the royalty is :-“1391-Fees, Fines and Forteitures” for accounting of the receipt relating to royalty/trekking fee realised from Mountaineering and Trekking.
- An Embassy / Consulate shall forward to the Tourism Division a copy of the royalty receipt issued to the expedition. Amount of royalty, number and date of receipt issued may clearly be mentioned on the covering letter.
- A party shall indicate in its application form its order of preference for attempting the peak. In case the preference of a party is for the allotment of lower peak and the party is alloted a higher peak out of its preference it shall deposit the balance of the royalty within two weeks of receipt of communication from Tourism Division. In case the balance amount is not deposited within the stipulated period the allotment shall automatically stand cancelled. The amount of royalty collected shall not be refund to the party whose allotment has been cancelled.
- In case the first preference of a party is for the allotment of a higher peak but it is allotted a lower peak out of its preference the balance of the royalty shall be refunded to it by the concerned Embassy/Consulate of Pakistan on receipt of a letter of authorization from the Tourism Division.
- It shall be binding on a party to accept the allotment of a peak if it is one of those mentioned by it in its application form. In case of refusal to accept the allotment, the amount of royalty stand forfeited.
- If a party indicates its order of preference within a list of peaks submitted by it and all those peaks have already been allotted to other parties, it shall be asked to identify more peaks. In case of its inability to do so, the whole of its royalty shall be refunded to it.
- A foreign-cum-Pakistan party and a Pakistani-cum-foreign party shall deposit the full amount of royalty for the allotment of a peak. In case it qualifies for a discount of 50% on the royalty the balance of the amount shall be refunded to it accordingly.
Note: A foreign expedition party shall be allowed to get Pakistani member only from any Pakistani Mountaineering Club registered with the Tourism Division. Similarly such a Pakistani Club shall be allowed to organise a Pakistani-cum-Foreign expedition if it is registered with the Tourism Division.
Aerial Photography
- Aerial photography of mountain peaks enroute to Northern Areas and Chitral is allowed after notifying the pilot of an aircraft or the Liaison Officer.
Still Photography
- A party shall not photograph the following objects during its stay in Pakistan :
- Any Army, Navy and Air Force installations.
- Any equipment of Armed Forces such as ships/establishments, guns, tanks, vehicles, aircrafts and arms etc.
- Any Pakistan Aerodromes or its connected buildings and installations.
- Any tribal lady/ladies.
- Any other notified prohibited area/place.
Making of Commercial Film including T.V.
- Subject to above, a party attempting a peak, situated in closed zone (i.e. 10 mile belt and 30 mile belt of Pakistan border with foreign countries) may take photographs/make films under the direct supervision of a L.O.
- For this purpose, a party shall identify one member of its team as the photographer for shooting of a film of academic interest. If, however, a party wants to include in the team some professional photographers for shooting of a professional films, the professional photographers for shooting of a professional films, the professional photographer(s) in that case shall be accompanied by an additional L.O under the same Terms and Conditions as for the L.O. Under this arrangement, professional photographers shall not be allowed to break into units.
- Export of such films out of Pakistan shall be allowed only after the L.O. has certified that defence installations and prohibited areas/places were not photographed.
- A L.O. shall inform a party of the objects which are allowed to be photographed/filmed. If he is convinced that key/defence installations are being photographed, he shall forbid the photographer from taking such photographs or making suck films. If a photographer does not comply with his advice, the matter shall be reported to police who shall proceed against such photographer under official Secrets Act, 1923.
- Still photographs, commercial films and films of academic interest taken/made in rest of Pakistan shall not be subject to these restriction except restrictions mentioned at para 54 and 58.
- Permission to photograph is subject to the condition that a party shall supply to the Government of Pakistan free of cost and freight one copy/print of film of academic interest/commercial film made and one set of photograph taken.
Joint Expedition Parties
a: Foreign-Cum-Pakistan party :
- A party assuming the nature of a joint expedition, which would include Pakistanis as climbers, shall get a discount of 50% on the amount of royalty. In this case the number of Pakistani climbers shall not be less than half of the total number of foreign members in a party including its leader. In special cases the Tourism Division may relax the number of Pakistanis to one-third of foreigners.
- If, however, the said one-third number cannot be mustered then there shall be no collaboration between a Pakistani party and a foreign party.
- Particulars of Pakistani climbers, in five copies, shall be obtained on proforma at Annex.I‟ by a foreign party from any Pakistani Alpine Club which shall ensure that experienced climbers are nominated for the purpose on all Pakistan basis. These particulars shall then be attached to an application form.
- Under these arrangements a leader shall be a foreigner while deputy leader shall be a Pakistani.
b: Pakistan-Cum-Foreign party:
- A Pakistani party which may include in its expedition foreign national as members, shall pay 50% of the royalty chargeable for a peak proposed to be attempted. In this case the number of foreign climbers shall not exceed that of Pakistani climbers or be less than one-third of the total number of Pakistanis. However, a party having a single foreigner will stand exempted from the operation of this para.
- Particulars of all foreign climbers shall be obtained by a Pakistani party on proforma at Annexure-B and supplied in five copies, alongwith an application form at Annexure-A to Tourism Division at least 4 months in advance of their arrival.
- Under these arrangements a leader shall be Pakistani while a deputy leader may be a foreigner.
- A foreign-cum-Pakistani or a Pakistani-cum-foreign expedition party shall be accompanied by a L.O.
- A party consisting of Pakistani climbers only shall, however, be exempt from payment of royalty. It shall, however, deposit with Tourism Division particulars of all the members, including the leader on proforma at Annexure „I‟ Pakistani expeditions need no L.O.‟s.
- Foreigners and Pakistanis climbing peaks under these arrangements shall be subject to relevant provisions of these Terms and Conditions wherever applicable.
- Only two joint expeditions will be allowed (on a first-cum-first basis) every year which are to be recommended by a Club registered with Pakistan Sports Board / affiliated with the UIAA.
- In case of accident/death of a member of a party, the leader shall notify the L.O. who shall report the matter to the nearest police station and get in touch with Deputy Commissioner of the area for any assistance that may be felt necessary.
- If any assistance from the Pakistan Army is needed, the L.O. shall so inform the Deputy Commissioner who shall arrange such assistance.
- If helicopter is needed, FCNA/Local Administration would arrange for the same, on payment basis. Mountaineering expeditions will guarantee rescue operation funds to the tune of US$ 4000 or provide guarantee from their respective Diplomatic Mission in Pakistan or an undertaking from Government approved Tour Operators failing which they will not be allowed to attempt peaks in Pakistan.
- In case of death of member, a L.O. shall obtain, necessary death certificate from local Deputy Commissioner before leaving the area.
- In case of accident/death of a low/high altitude porter, action shall be taken on the above lines. In addition, a L.O. shall obtain from the Civil Surgeon concerned a certificate of his/their disablement/death for insurance purposes.
- In case of injury/death of L.O. the leader shall inform the Deputy Commissioner of the area who, in turn, shall inform the army authorities/Tourism Division.
Foreign Exchange
- A party shall invariably encash Foreign Exchange from an authorised bank/money changer. For this purpose a certificate about the amount of Foreign Exchange surrendered shall be obtained from the said bank/authorised money changer.
- Exchange booths of banks authorised to deal in Foreign Exchange at the exit points are authorised to reconvert upto Rs. 500/- per person out of the unspent balance of Pak. Rupees obtained by encashment of foreign currency. For reconversion of the amount exceeding the said limit an office of the State Bank of Pakistan shall be approached through a bank authorised to deal in foreign exchange.
- A party shall convert its foreign currency into Pak. Rupee at Rawalpindi/Islamabad which shall then be taken to Gilgit/Skardu and Chitral. A party may, however, deposit the surplus/reserve amount in a bank at the above mentioned places, before leaving for mountains.
- Encashment of Foreign Exchange from anybody other than a bank or an authorised money changer is an offence under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947.
Observance of Security and Conditions for Publication of Material
- A party shall confine its activities to its objectives as declared in the application form.
- A party shall not indulge in any activity that might offend the religious sentiments and social or moral usages and customs of the local people.
- A party shall not at any stage operate in more than one area and scale more than one peak.
- Also a party shall not scale a peak by a route which goes through another peak.
- A party shall not split into small groups while in the mountains. In cases of emergency a L.O. has the authority to allow splitting of a party.
- A party shall not deviate from the specified route except in an emergency and with the permission of a L.O.
- Maps etc if applied for and issued to a party shall be returned to the Government of Pakistan through L.O. before an expedition‟s departure from Pakistan. A nominal amount of non-refundable money may also need to be deposited with the Government for use of these maps.
- Duplicate copies of photographical data collected during mountain climbing etc. shall be handed over to L.O.
- Should a party be of mountaineering-cum-scientific of exclusive nature, the leader shall submit to the Pakistan authorities concerned for inspection of all the data/specimens/collections etc.
- Export of all such collection without the prior permission of the Government of Pakistan is prohibited.
- A leader shall also provide a set of all such specimens to the Government of Pakistan.
- Copies of research papers / documents prepared shall also be supplied, in duplicate, to the Government of Pakistan.
Environmental Care Code
- It is imperative to keep the mountains clean. Instructions contained in the subsequent paras on the subject shall be strictly observed.
- Every mountaineering party irrespective of its size shall contribute US $ 200/- or equivalent in Pakistan currency for Environment Protection Fund. The Head of Account for depositing this contribution is “Receipt of Tourism Division 130000-139000”. This could be deposited by expeditions after their arrival in Pakistan in the State Bank of Pakistan or in the authorised branch of national Bank of Pakistan.
- Mountaineering parties shall also deposit refundable amount of US$ 1000/-or equivalent in Pakistani currency in the authorised bank in Pakistan. The amount would subject to forefeiture in full or in part thereof in case the expedition or any of its members causes damage to environment.
- A party shall leave a camping site clean. On return, a L.O. shall furnish a certificate that this condition has been fully compiled with by a party.
- A party or its porters shall not damage the forest or animal wealth of the area. On return, a L.O. shall furnish a certificate that this condition has also been fully complied with by a party.
- In case it is established that a certain liaison officer gave false certificate, the matter would be brought to the notice of his detailing authority who would proceed against him/her under the laid down rules on the subject. In case of a Civilian Liaison Officer or guide his/her registration would be cancelled and he/she would be disqualified as a guide for a period of four years.
- In case of breach of these rules (para 1-101), a party or all the members of such a party shall be disqualified for any further mountaineering expedition to Pakistan for a period of four years. In addition to this they may also be proceeded against under the relevant laws.
- A party shall engage porters through local administration.
- A low altitude porter shall carry a maximum weight of 25 kilos. He shall cover a minimum distance of 10 kilometers and a maximum distance of 13 kilometers per day with suitable stoppages of 5-10 minutes after every hour. If there are some traditional night halts on the way, which are short of the said 10-13 kilometers, then a porter may stay there for the night. He shall have to make up for the loss of mileage the next day.
- A high altitude porter shall carry maximum weight according to the following scale :-
- Height between 5,001 to 6,000 metres 20 kgs.
- Height between 6,001 to 7,000 metres 17 kgs.
- Height between 7,001 to 8,000 metres. 14 kgs.
- Beyond 8,000 metres. 12 kgs.
- While carrying this load beyond a base camp a porter shall make only one trip from one camp to another. This trip would be inclusive of going up and coming down. Leader of a party shall use his discretion in setting up of camps beyond the said base camp by taking into consideration the local of mountains, terrain and areas of avalances.
- A porter shall sign an undertaking of good behaviour as per Annexure „J‟. One copy of the said undertaking shall be deposited with a representative of local administration. Another copy shall be handed over to the leader. The third copy shall be provided to the porter.
- A party shall try to follow the date of arrival as fixed by the Government in order to avoid pressure on transport and accommodation.
- As soon as a party gets the permission letter, it shall immediately get in touch with the nearest PIA Office or an office of any other airline for reservation of seats and booking of equipment from Rawalpindi to Northern Area/Chitral by giving the following information :-
- Number of persons.
- Total weight of equipment to be flown.
- Probable dates of flights from Rawalpindi Northern Areas / Chitral.
- Flights to N.As, and Chitral are subject to weather conditions and as such PIA or any other airline may not be able to give firm dates of bookings. In such cases, a party would need to request the PIA / any other airline to pass on the above information to officer Incharge, Northern Areas, PIA Office, The Mall, Rawalpindi.
- A party shall come prepared to stay for a period of 2-3 week in Rawalpindi and N.As/Chitral, respectively, in case the weather suddenly turns bad.
- A party shall have to register itself with Foreigners Registration Officer in the Office of Senior Superintendent of Police at Rawalpindi before leaving for mountains. Similarly a party shall inform the said Foreign Registration officer before leaving Rawalpindi / Islamabad on departure from Pakistan.
- To obviate language difficulty, a party coming from non-english speaking country, shall invariably include in an expedition an english speaking member.
- A party shall not serve forbidden items like pork etc. to L.O. / porters.
Terms & Conditions for Winter Mountaineering expeditions visiting Pakistan
A: Liasion Officer
The Terms and Conditions for Liaison Officer would remain the same as provided under item IV above except the following :-
Kit & Equipment: The kit and equipment would be of such a make and quality which can withstand the extreme temperature of -35ºC to –40º B.
B: Porters
The Terms and Conditions for porters (both high and low altitude) would remain the same as provided under item VII above except the following:-
- Rations: The scale of rations would be the same for both low & high altitude porters as indicated in Annex-H of the Mountaineering Rules and Regulations.
- Kit &The items of kit and equipment would remain the same for both low and Equipment:
- high altitude porters as are mentioned in Annex-E. The equipment shall be of the quality that is tested against a temperature of –35ºC to –40ºC.
- Wages:
a) Low altitude porter – double the normal summer wages + Rs. 50/-per day in lieu of rations.
b) High altitude wages + Rs. 50/- per day in lieu of rations.
C: Miscellaneous
a.) A low altitude porter shall carry a maximum weight of 20 kg upto base camp.
b.) A high altitude porter shall carry a maximum weight of 12 kg.
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